This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to view and print various reports. By following these simple steps, users can easily access and print sales reports, labor reports, item reports, and container summaries. This guide is essential for anyone who needs to analyze and track data for their business.
Click on the “Reports” tab. #
Clicking on the “Reports” tab will display a list of sub-tabs.
Click on the “Sales Reports” tab. #
Clicking the “Sales Reports” tab will display a filter. Where you can get your sales reports from a date range.
Select filter options #
Select your store location, from date and to date.
Click on the “VIEW” button #
This will show your sales report data based on the filters you have selected.
Click on the print button #
Select your printer #
Click on “Print” #
Click on the “Labor Reports” tab #
Clicking the “Labor Reports” tab will display a filter. Where you can get your sales reports from a date range.
Select a date #
Select your store location, from date and to date.
Click on the “VIEW” button #
This will show your sales report data based on the filters you have selected.
Click on the “Item Report” tab #
Clicking the “Item Reports” tab will display a filter. Where you can get your sales reports from a date range.
Click on the “VIEW” button #
Click on the “Container Summary ” tab #
Select the store location #
Select the from and to date #
Click on the “VIEW” button #
Now you will be able to see your summary container